Display your work in a sleek, clean portfolio/profile page. We will automatically populate your portfolio as you publish new content.
Your profile / portfolio provides you with everything you need to grow an audience, start a newsletter, create new content and showcase your work from around the web.
Showcase all your work in one place. Send the link to prospective employers.
Automatic updates
Add one off pieces
Fully searchable
Let people subscribe and get notified about your content no matter where it's published.
Email subscribers
A new source of traffic
Manage your communication with PR professionals and others by specifying your preferred contact times. By using the widget, you can reduce the number of missed opportunities and missed connections, and improve your overall communication efficiency.
Our backup feature will automatically save copies of your articles every day ensuring that no matter what happens you always have access to your work.
Article backups
With Legitimate you can choose if you would like to display your contact details such as email or phone number. You also get a custom contact form which means people can contact you directly through Legitimate whether they are logged in or not (and you never need to display your email for bots and spammers to scrape).
Make yourself easily found by editors and web publishers looking to hire freelance journalists. Add the 'Open to work' badge to your profile which lets people search and filter based on location, beat, and availability.
If you're feeling inspired, Legitimate is the perfect place to craft beautiful, engaging blog posts that showcase your ideas and reach a wider audience.
With an intuitive interface and a variety of formatting options, you can bring your creative visions to life without the need to switch to a different platform. So why wait? Start creating and sharing your unique perspective today with Legitimate!
I spoke with hundreds of journalists to understand what truely matters to them. An easy to manage and great looking portfolio was a top request, and that is what we built.