Alex Nelson Journalist
  • Norwich
  • National World

Senior Digital Journalist (SEO) at JPIMedia.

Published In

National World

Focus Areas

  • Entertainment
  • Tech
  • Lifestyle

1178 Articles
about 2 years ago

The UK’s Rwanda asylum deportation policy - why are refugees being sent to Africa?

Migrants will be shipped from the UK to the country of Rwanda starting from 14 June, under controversial plans

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about 2 years ago

The UK’s Rwanda asylum deportation policy - why are refugees being sent to Africa?

Migrants will be shipped from the UK to the country of Rwanda starting from 14 June, under controversial plans

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about 2 years ago

The UK’s Rwanda asylum deportation policy - why are refugees being sent to Africa?

Migrants will be shipped from the UK to the country of Rwanda starting from 14 June, under controversial plans

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about 2 years ago

The UK’s Rwanda asylum deportation policy - why are refugees being sent to Africa?

Migrants will be shipped from the UK to the country of Rwanda starting from 14 June, under controversial plans

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about 2 years ago

Grenfell anniversary: remembering the 72 victims who died in the devastating fire

72 people died at the tower - which local residents hope will be one day be turned into a memorial

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