Nicholas Earl Reporter
  • London
  • City A.M.

Nicholas Earl covers energy, industrials and the environment for City A.M.

Published In

City A.M.

Focus Areas

  • Energy
  • Industrials
  • Environment

1477 Articles
over 1 year ago

Give Great British Nuclear the funding it needs to revive declining sector, industry boss warns

Jeremy Hunt needs to provide more clarity over the funding of Great British Nuclear in the budget next week, says ind...

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over 1 year ago

Gold shows early signs of recovery after hawkish Fed triggered price tumble

Gold has shown some signs of recovery after its price tumbled earlier this week following Fed Chair Jerome Powell's h...

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over 1 year ago

North Sea flaring falls by 50 per cent following clampdown

Flaring in the North Sea has fallen by 50 per cent over the last four years after oil and gas firms operating there w...

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over 1 year ago

Former Shell boss Ben van Beurden raked in £9.7m paypacket last year as profits soared

The former Shell boss enjoyed a hefty bump-up in his paypacket last year, before leaving the energy giant in January.

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over 1 year ago

Scientists urge government to publish semiconductor strategy before it's too late

The government must publish its semiconductor strategy, argue the Institute of Physics and the Royal Academy of Engin...

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over 1 year ago

Harbour Energy's bumper profits wiped out by £1.3bn hit from windfall tax

Harbour Energy's bumper profits have been nearly wiped out by the windfall tax - taking a huge £1.3bn hit in earnings...

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over 1 year ago

Government 'asleep at the wheel' over decarbonisation goals, warns climate body

The government is "asleep at the wheel" when it comes to decarbonisation, warned the Climate Change Committee.

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over 1 year ago

National Grid is the biggest roadblock to reviving onshore wind, argues Octopus

The biggest challenge for onshore wind developments is the slow speed of connections on the grid, argued the boss of ...

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over 1 year ago

Citizens Advice calls for better use of personal data to create social tariff

The government should use Brits' personal data about income tax rates and energy usage to create a new social tariff,...

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over 1 year ago

UK risks energy tech exodus without more funding, battery boss warns

The UK risks an energy tech exodus to rival markets unless it offers more funding, the boss of AMTE Power has warned.

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over 1 year ago

UK fires up coal plants to keep country's lights on amid cold winter snap

National Grid is relying on coal to keep the lights on as a cold snap and planned nuclear shutdowns in France put pre...

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over 1 year ago

Oil industry pivots to low carbon projects to rake in US green subsidies

The oil industry is positioning itself to take advantage of billions of dollars of US tax credits established through...

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