Ryan Morrison Tech Reporter
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Tech Monitor

Ryan Morrison is a reporter for Tech Monitor. He was previously a science and technology reporter for MailOnline and a journalist at BBC News.

Focus Areas

  • Technology
  • Tech

1039 Articles
over 2 years ago

Earth is DIMMING due to climate change, study warns

Decades of measurements of earthshine allowed the team from the New Jersey Institute of Technology to get a better pi...

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over 2 years ago

NASA selects four for simulated mission to Mars' moon Phobos

The volunteer research subjects start their virtual journey to Phobos on October. 1, 2021, in a ground-based habitat ...

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over 2 years ago

Largest underwater eruption recorded gives birth underwater volcano

The volcanic island suddenly appeared in 2018, and stretches up from the seafloor to the east of the island of Mayott...

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almost 3 years ago

NASA claims Jeff Bezos' firm 'seeks to prioritise its own fortunes'

Bezos' firm filed a lawsuit against NASA in August after the US space agency picked Hawthorne, California-based Space...

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almost 3 years ago

Facebook publishes research revealing Instagram's mental health impact

Facebook came under criticism over internal data showing its Instagram app damaged the mental health of teenagers, pa...

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almost 3 years ago

BepiColombo prepares for its first Mercury flyby on Friday

The probe will make its first flyby of Mercury at 00:34 BST on October 1, capturing images and science data during th...

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almost 3 years ago

Elon Musk tells Jeff Bezos 'you cannot sue your way to the Moon'

Musk has made it clear he isn't happy Bezos keeps taking legal action to stop SpaceX projects, and made the latest co...

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almost 3 years ago

YouTube vows to BLOCK all anti-vaxx videos that contain misinformation

The Google-owned video platform said its ban on Covid-19 vaccine misinformation, which was introduced last year, had ...

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almost 3 years ago

Terrifying 29ft dinosaur roamed Isle of Wight 125 million years ago

The remains of the carnivorous reptiles, about the same length as a Stegosaurus but with crocodile-like skulls, were ...

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almost 3 years ago

Ancient amphitheatres in Turkey had box seating

The discovery of the 'VIP box seats' was made during an excavation of the Pergamon amphitheater in the ancient city o...

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almost 3 years ago

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is speeding up, NASA discovered

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland analysed Hubble Space Telescope's 'storm reports' and discovered winds...

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almost 3 years ago

Great tits in Britain are now laying their eggs two weeks earlier

To examine the impact of climate change on birds, researchers used breeding data for more than 13,000 great tits trac...

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