Tag: dailymail
6 months ago

Northern Ireland powersharing to be restored after DUP deal

After two years of political standoff, the DUP paved the way for Stormont to be restored by agreeing a deal at a mara...

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6 months ago

Creepy video reveals just how easy it is to hack into a train TOILET

A software engineer has managed to disrupt the computerised locking system of a British Rail Class 800 train.

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6 months ago

Immigration 'will add 6.1MILLION to the population by 2036': Shock projections show size of UK to...

Tories and Nigel Farage sounded alarm after official projections suggested net inflows will add 6.1million to numbers...

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6 months ago

Angela Rayner resurfaces on GMB following low-key few weeks as she says she 'understands' rage of...

Footage shared on social media on Friday showed an event attended by the deputy Labour leader and shadow business sec...

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6 months ago

How does Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip work? A step-by-step guide to the controversial technol...

After gaining approval for human experiments, the firm has now put its first Neuralink device, called 'Telepathy', in...

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6 months ago

Listen to the original Top of the Pops! Scientists reveal the chart-toppers of 17th century Brita...

Academics have ranked 120 popular songs from the Elizabethan and Stuart eras - and they're somewhat more risqué than ...

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6 months ago

Archbishop of Canterbury wades into Rwanda row saying Britain must 'do better' than Rishi Sunak's...

Justin Welby insisted Britain must 'do better' than the government's crucial legislation as it was debated in the Hou...

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6 months ago

Tory MP George Freeman says he quit ministerial job with £120,000 salary because he couldn't affo...

George Freeman cited the spike in repayments from £800 a month to £2,000 as the reason behind his departure during Ri...

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6 months ago

Science minister Andrew Griffith warns BBC's prosecutions of licence fee evaders could spark a Po...

Science minister Andrew Griffith made the outspoken comments in his latest newsletter to constituents.

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6 months ago

'It's not un-Conservative to care about children's health': Rishi Sunak sounds defiance after Liz...

Rishi Sunak insisted there was nothing 'un-Conservative about caring about our children's health' after predecessor L...

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6 months ago

Michael Gove accuses Nicola Sturgeon and SNP chiefs of using Covid as a 'political' way to achiev...

Appearing before the official inquiry, Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove said the SNP had a clear 'mission' to 'des...

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6 months ago

Peers bid to KILL 'unacceptable' Rwanda Bill in votes TODAY - with Archbishop of Canterbury set t...

The crucial legislation is due to be debated in the House of Lords for the first time, after the PM managed to force ...

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6 months ago

The 118 new emoji coming to your iPhone in iOS 17.4 - including a lime, a shaking head and four...

The new emoji coming to your iPhone this year have been revealed. Among them are a lime, a phoenix, a broken metal ch...

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6 months ago

Would YOU try it? MailOnline tastes roasted grey squirrel - as experts call for Britons to eat th...

Experts are encouraging restaurants to serve up 'nutritious' grey squirrel meat - but what does it even taste like? M...

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6 months ago

'Event of the decade': Total Solar Eclipse will block out the sun for over 30 million people this...

It will mark the first total solar eclipse visible anywhere in the world since December 2021, and the first seen from...

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6 months ago

I'm nominated for three Oscars and this is what it's REALLY like to be up for an Academy Award

Neil, 61, is best known for working on huge blockbusters including Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, Rogue One: A Star ...

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6 months ago

Auschwitz survivor who came face to face with Nazi 'Angel of Death' but escaped being sent to the...

Ivor Perl, 92, came face to face with twisted doctor Josef Mengele after being taken to Auschwitz death camp in occup...

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6 months ago

Why ARE strokes rising in young people? As Snoop Dogg's 24-year-old daughter recovers from one

Strokes normally strike adults in their 70s, but have been rising faster among younger adults - those aged 18 to 45 y...

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6 months ago

Could Jeremy Hunt have to scale back tax cut plans? Treasury 'warns Chancellor he has...

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has reportedly been handed internal Treasury analysis suggesting his 'headroom' is around £14b...

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6 months ago

Tory rebels 'plot war of attrition' against Rishi Sunak with biggest moment of danger local...

Although no MPs have followed ex-minister Simon Clarke in publicly calling for Rishi Sunak to go, his internal oppone...

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6 months ago

Could Mail Rail solve Britain's postal crisis? Campaigners call for secretive six-mile-long tunne...

The capital's Mail Rail, which linked sorting offices between Whitechapel in the East End with Paddington in West Lon...

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6 months ago

When the King could have died a prince: How Charles was fired at with a starting pistol by...

Had David Kang had more malign intentions, King Charles might never have made it to the throne. Thirty years ago toda...

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6 months ago

US warns Britain has 'sacrificed' military capability and needs to 'reassess' investment amid 'Th...

Carlos Del Toro, secretary of the US navy, reportedly delivered the tough message as he highlighted 'threats' to West...

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6 months ago

Forget sleepwalking! Study reveals the most bizarre activities people carry out while asleep -...

A new study has compiled 10 different 'parasomnias' - the various sleep disorders that consist of 'undesirable physic...

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6 months ago

Nicola Sturgeon branded Boris Johnson a 'f***ing clown' in WhatsApp messages to aides during Covid

The foul-mouthed rants by Nicola Sturgeon were revealed in the latest hearing of the official inquiry into the pandemic.

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6 months ago

European judges set collision course with Rishi Sunak on Rwanda as they warn Britain must obey...

The European Court of Human Rights insisted there is a 'clear legal obligation' for states to comply with Rule 39 int...

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6 months ago

Agonising three-hour death from botched lethal injection, notorious last meals and the real-life...

The 2000 film adaptation of Stephen King's novel the Green Mile, which featured a horrifying electric chair execution...

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6 months ago

Chaos at Britain's Got Talent auditions as police swoop on The London Palladium to deal with...

Police led away a female intruder on the set of Britain's Got Talent at the London Palladium today after she 'tried t...

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6 months ago

'No one likes the guy who's shouting 'iceberg'': Ex-Cabinet minister Simon Clarke warns Tories ar...

Sir Simon Clarke claimed that 'no one likes they guy who's shouting "iceberg", as he warned the Tories are set for a ...

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6 months ago

Mission: Impossible special effects supervisor reveals what it was like to work with daredevil To...

Mission: Impossible fans were left on the edges of their seats when the latest instalment of the smash hit spy franch...

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6 months ago

Labour MP Tahir Ali apologises for PMQs rant that Rishi Sunak has 'blood on his hands' over Israe...

Tahir Ali launched the rant in the Commons swiping that Rishi Sunak had 'boldly stated' confidence in Israel followin...

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6 months ago

Your country NEEDS You! How millions were sent to fight in WWI and WWII after conscription was...

By the time the Great War came to an end in 1918, some 2.5million men had been forced by law to serve, and 800,000 lo...

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6 months ago

Tory MPs put on show of unity behind Rishi Sunak as Keir Starmer goads him over latest bid to ous...

Rishi Sunak was cheered to the rafters by his troops in the Commons as he engaged in brutal clashes with Keir Starmer.

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6 months ago

Should animals be allowed to VOTE? Radical study claims critters should have a say on laws - but...

Ioan-Radu Motoarcă, a professor in the philosophy department at Rowan University in New Jersey, thinks animals should...

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6 months ago

'The Saturday post is sacrosanct': Ministers stamp on watchdog's suggestion that Royal Mail...

Regulator Ofcom said cutting Royal Mail's six-day a week letter deliveries to five days or three are among options th...

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6 months ago

Is Rishi facing an all-out coup from the Tory Right? Sunak allies slam 'facile and self-indulgent...

Simon Clarke, previously Levelling Up Secretary under Liz Truss and Mr Sunak's deputy at the Treasury, warned that th...

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6 months ago

Rishi Sunak steps up 'Stop the Boats' drive as he holds talks with Belgian PM about joint crackdo...

Rishi Sunak discussed a joint crackdown on people-smuggling gangs running Channel crossings as he met his counterpart...

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6 months ago

Northern Lights will be visible as far south as NEWCASTLE tonight as a huge solar storm strikes...

The Met Office says people in Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland will be able to see the aurora with the...

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6 months ago

Audrey Hepburn's name is discovered for the first time in record of children living in Britain on...

Researchers have unearthed the first ever written record of Audrey Hepburn's time as a private school pupil in Kent b...

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