Ian Johnston Editor
  • Edinburgh
  • National World

Comment editor The Scotsman & Edinburgh Evening News.

Published In

The Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News

18 Articles
4 days

The case for ending universal benefits is strong even for those on the left

Universal benefits like free prescriptions and free university tuition increasingly look like a luxury the country ca...

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5 days

Have Your Say: How much would you pay for an Oasis ticket?

Amid uproar over high ‘dynamic ticketing’ prices to see Oasis, how much would you be prepared to pay to see this icon...

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11 days

Have Your Say: Is Edinburgh right to ditch Taiwan deal after pressure from China?

Is Edinburgh City Council’s decision to avoid offending China by not signing a friendship agreement with a Taiwanese ...

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11 days

How loss of trillion tonnes of ice every year is transforming planet Earth

Melting glaciers and ice sheets are raising the sea to levels dangerous to low-lying islands, but the wider effects c...

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about 1 month

How quietly moral leadership has helped save Scotland from far-right riots

The over-emphasis on ‘stopping the boats’ by mainstream politicians has helped create the public myth that most migra...

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about 1 month

Bannockburn, Culloden, Killiecrankie: Why Scotland's battlefields shouldn't be protected forever

Historic battlefields should not stand in the way of valuable modern developments, argues Ian Johnston

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about 1 month

Appeasing hard-right just repeats mistakes of Labour's plan to 'kill SNP stone dead'

Devolution was meant to see off SNP’s brand of centre-left nationalism but only encouraged it; tough rhetoric on immi...

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about 1 month

The day terror group leader Anjem Choudary told me he wasn't 'going to kill' me

In person, Anjem Choudary, jailed for life today for leading a banned terrorist organisation, seemed mild-mannered, p...

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about 2 months

Five reasons why the Scottish Greens are bad for the environment

If it is possible to characterise those concerned about climate change as incompetent, unreasonable, hard-left zealot...

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about 2 months

Severed heads to stunted sperm: Cost of 460 million tons of plastic every year is high

Much of the modern world was built on plastic but we should avoid treating it as something sacred and face up to the ...

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about 2 months

Amid fears of second US Civil War, Donald Trump's opponents must stand with him

Violence is democracy’s greatest enemy and must be opposed by all

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2 months

Why this disastrous WWI defeat should serve as a warning about climate change

In war, hard reality cannot be avoided. The same is true in the fight against climate change

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