The VLOS - always keep it. (VLOS-Visual Line of sight)

One important rule that every drone pilot knows is the restriction to fly your drone only within your visional line of sight. Important, but not always followed. In fact, it is one of the most violated rules for drone flying. However, today we are going to tell you more about VLOS and why you should always keep it.

What is VLOS?

VLOS simply means visual line of sight. Basically, this is the distance to which the pilot can still see the drone. Yes, if your drone is behind a tree, clouds, buildings it is not in your VLOS anymore.

There is no maximum range implemented by the FAA, due to the many different situations a person can fly his drone. Usually, the distance is around 500metres from the pilot.The rule is based on your personal judgement as a drone pilot- keep your machine in your visual line of sight.

However, if you are unable to keep your drone in your line of sight, you can use a visual observer. The visual observer is a person that keeps the drone in his sight all the time and gives commands to the pilot. This is allowed by the FAA, but not approved in every country.

Is the VLOS necessary?

Many people do not follow the VLOS rule, but honestly, this may be a mistake. The idea of the rule is simple- if you can see your drone you will be able to prevent a crash, or any other damage. So, yes, the VLOS is necessary for all recreational drone flights.

  • By following the VLOS rule you will make sure that your drone will not get lost. Even if you lose connection, you will be able to see and land your drone.
  • If you follow the VLOS rule you will be able to prevent many accidents such as a crash.
  • By following the VLOS rule you will be in control of your drone all the time.

We strongly advise you to not fly your drone when there is fog, or clouds, since this may lead to an accident. If there is fog, always keep in mind the visual line of sight rule and lower your drone to an altitude that allows you to follow the drone and have full control of its actions.

Of course, there is an exception while using BVLOS. For more information on that you can check this article.

If you want to fly your drone legally, and safely, you better keep it in your visual line of sight. Not following that simple rule may lead to accidents for your machine, or for you. So, keep your drone safe!

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