Tag: rupert suckling
over 2 years ago

'Up to 50 per cent' of Doncaster's hospitalised Covid patients are unvaccinated or not had full s...

Up to 50 per cent of people in hospital with Covid-19 have not been vaccinated or had the full round of available jab...

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over 2 years ago

Doncaster hospitals struggling with staff absences as rate is 'double previous winter pressures d...

A leading public health figure has said Doncaster’s hospitals are struggling to properly fill working rotas as staff ...

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over 2 years ago

Doncaster health boss labels Covid-19 Plan B 'a very high risk strategy' reliant on vaccine rollo...

The government’s Plan B approach to Covid-19 measures has been a ‘very high risk strategy’ and relies on ‘hoping the ...

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over 2 years ago

Doncaster's 'rapid rise' in Covid-19 rates declared a 'continuity major incident'

Health bosses across Doncaster are concerned around the ‘rapid rise’ in Covid-19 cases as staff absences in hospital ...

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