Ryan Morrison Tech Reporter
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Tech Monitor

Ryan Morrison is a reporter for Tech Monitor. He was previously a science and technology reporter for MailOnline and a journalist at BBC News.

Focus Areas

  • Technology
  • Tech

1039 Articles
almost 3 years ago

Richard Branson goes to space with Virgin Galactic this SUNDAY

Branson will travel to space on VSS Unity on Sunday July 11, with a live stream of the event starting at 14:00 BST (0...

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about 3 years ago

Branson shares 1988 video where he says he'd 'love to go to space'

Branson was answering calls on BBC Saturday morning children's show 'Going Live!' in 1988 when a child asked him the ...

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about 3 years ago

Nun discovers handwritten manuscripts by Italy's national poet Dante

This new discovery was found by a Florence-based researcher turned nun, who claims to have stumbled on the work hidde...

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about 3 years ago

Spending 17 minutes a day on phone increases cancer risk, study claims

The controversial research involved statistical analysis of 46 different studies into mobile phone use and health aro...

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about 3 years ago

Dinosaur with razor-sharp claws roamed Spain 130 million years ago

Analysis of a fossilised jaw revealed the disturbing details of this strange creature, called Portellsaurus sosbaynat...

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about 3 years ago

SpaceX could send its Starship into orbit as early as August

Starship requires the booster stage to reach orbit and combined the two reach a whopping 394ft tall, more than twice ...

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about 3 years ago

Meditation can give children more sleep at night, study shows

Low-income families were recruited to test how lessons in how to relax and manage stress could be used to help with s...

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about 3 years ago

'Supra-massive' population of more than 100 black holes found

Palomar 5 has three times as many black holes as would normally be expected for a cluster of its size, say experts fr...

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about 3 years ago

World's oldest ORNAMENT is discovered in Germany

The ornament was skilfully engraved with regularly spaced and neatly stacked chevrons say the team from Lower Saxony ...

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about 3 years ago

Bright green comet contains 'abnormally high' levels of ALCOHOL

A new study, using data captured by the W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaii during a close approach in 2018 re...

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about 3 years ago

Chinese astronauts perform the country's first tandem spacewalk

The three astronauts on the Tiangong station launched on a Long March-2F rocket from the Jiuquan launch centre in nor...

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about 3 years ago

Humans could live to more than 130 years old by 2100, study claims

The number of people who live past the age of 100 has been on the rise for decades, up to nearly half a million peopl...

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