Tag: Editor's Letter
about 1 year ago

Great risks go hand in hand with spirit of adventure to explore our last frontiers

There will be a rush to judgement. Yet all of those on board, including the passengers, knew they were taking great r...

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about 1 year ago

Exit Pinocchio: Boris Johnson's tower of falsehoods has toppled onto him at last

He has squandered his political career because he treated his colleagues and the public like fools, insulting our int...

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over 1 year ago

Nurses are not turncoats for holding pay talks with ministers

Accusing the Royal College of Nursing of 'being happy to take the King’s farthing' is unfair - its primary duty is to...

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over 1 year ago

Rishi Sunak backs himself in moment of peril as Brexit deal hangs in the balance

The PM will look foolish if Tory dissent grows into a rebellion, but his party might not have any more appetite for c...

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over 1 year ago

Starmer can't believe his luck as human hand grenade Truss throws herself back into politics

Labour MPs are baffled by her comeback - while Tories find themselves facing a choice between fantasy and realism

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over 1 year ago

Forget the comeback - a period of dignified silence from Liz Truss would be better for the UK

The former PM's fiscal incontinence has damaged the lives of many millions of people she was supposed to protect

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over 1 year ago

At last, Ofgem wakes from hibernation and tackles energy firms over prepayment meters

The practice of forcing entry has been paused, not abolished, but that will still be a comfort to people who feared a...

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about 2 years ago

England need to produce their best performance so far to stop Germany's Alexandra Popp

This final is the eight-time winners versus the never-winners. Yet none of Germany’s squad has lifted the trophy and ...

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about 2 years ago

There will be bloodied noses, but the Tories' best hope is that the rivals band together

Tories fear bad blood will poison the Party and the Government after the leadership contest - and that there will be ...

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about 2 years ago

England's run in the Women's Euros has inspired a nation, so let's get even more girls playing

The Lionesses are attracting millions of new fans to the game - but to keep them, girls need to be able to continue f...

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about 2 years ago

Sunak is running out of track, and tactics, to overtake Truss in Tory leadership race

The former chancellor is facing pressure to take bigger and bigger risks to win. Will he stay true to his steady imag...

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about 2 years ago

David Trimble showed the courage to compromise and helped pave Northern Ireland's path to peace

The Good Friday Agreement is a stunning political achievement for the ages. History will judge its architects, like S...

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about 2 years ago

You think the Tory leadership contest is brutal? Join Dads' Race at school sports day

Many schools have stopped parents from competing, after too many ambulances on the playing field - but in our village...

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about 2 years ago

Tory leadership candidates face their screen test, but who will the public switch on to?

With most of the contestants unknown to most of the public, this weekend's televised combat is a chance to shine - or...

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about 2 years ago

Tory Squid Game about to get even more ruthless as Sunak, Truss and Mordaunt scramble for votes

The contest should be a battle of ideas not a 'knife fight in a phone box', says contender Tom Tugendhat. Some hope

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about 2 years ago

Applaud the ambition of our Tory hopefuls as they brave the brutal leadership battle

Whatever your view on individual candidates, good governments need leaders and someone has to dream big - at the risk...

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about 2 years ago

Johnson is having to deal with dissent in his own Cabinet

With Putin still on the offensive and the need to increase military support for Ukraine, it is unclear how the PM int...

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about 2 years ago

Voters are giving Johnson and Sunak some good old political advice: It's the economy, stupid

Two thirds of people think the Government is not doing enough to help with the cost of living crisis. That’s toxic fo...

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about 2 years ago

Interest rate hawks want to swoop on inflation, but the UK's weak economy could end up as prey

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey is trying to walk an impossible path between subduing soaring prices and not c...

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about 2 years ago

Prince Charles's itch to intervene on Rwanda would be a rash policy for a future king

Even if you agree with him on migrants, the environment, farming, or any other issue, all of this is unwise behaviour...

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over 2 years ago

In an age of great change, the Queen has been an enduring presence

As well as celebration, the Jubilee weekend will also be full of symbolism

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over 2 years ago

Arise, Milton Keynes, a city at last, but why did it take so long?

Maligned for decades, the home of the concrete cows is energetic, green, great for familes, has affordable housing an...

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over 2 years ago

Jake Daniels coming out as gay is a huge step for football that will inspire future players

The young Blackpool striker may help create an environment in which other footballers feel they too can be accepted f...

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over 2 years ago

England v Scotland or Wales would be a truly hot World Cup derby - but beware Ukraine

Hopes are high for Gareth Southgate's team. Meanwhile tournament chiefs are rattled by coverage of workers’ condition...

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over 2 years ago

Shrewsbury maternity scandal exposed deadly failings, and the NHS must solve midwife crisis now

A total of 201 babies and nine mothers could or would have survived if they had received better care. Until safe staf...

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over 2 years ago

Putin might have stumbled into a war he can't win, and civilians are the victims of his folly

The conflict has no end in sight and there is no obvious way for either side to defeat the other without dragging in ...

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over 2 years ago

Chelsea fans can sing all they want, but Abramovich is paying the price for his links to Putin

The club's 19-year affair with the Russian billionaire was always a gamble loaded with risk, but while the trophies p...

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over 2 years ago

Bombing of Ukraine maternity hospital shows Vladimir Putin should be indicted for war crimes

Nato governments face an alarming choice: increase their interventions against a nuclear-armed tyrant, or sit back wh...

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over 2 years ago

President Zelensky's defiant address to MPs won a standing ovation, but claps don't win wars

The inspirational leader of Ukraine echoed Churchill as he appealed for support. Nato wants to avoid escalation - but...

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over 2 years ago

The UK's Government's response to the Ukraine refugee crisis is shameful

The generosity shown by the British public stands in stark contrast to the shambolic response from the Home Office an...

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over 2 years ago

New rules on 'woke lessons' show Tories are seeking an enemy to fight - even if there isn't one

The Government is within its rights to remind teachers of their duty to be impartial - but this is a dog-whistle in i...

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over 2 years ago

Royale with sleaze: There's no way back for disgraced Prince Andrew

The Duke of York's conduct has been a disgrace to his family and his country. He should now vanish from public life -...

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over 2 years ago

As Russia threatens Ukraine and uses gas as a weapon, UK must look urgently at energy security

Germany is so reliant on Russian gas imports, following its rush to turn off nuclear power, that it is struggling to ...

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over 2 years ago

Johnson's hold on No 10 is ebbing away, and Sunak has a lot of thinking to do this weekend

The Prime Minister has lost authority but the lack of a contender stops his Tory critics from toppling him

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over 2 years ago

i is launching six newsletters packed with great journalism, so sign up and give us your views

From culture and entertainment to politics, world news and business, our top correspondents have something for you ev...

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over 2 years ago

Boris Johnson sparks anger from his ethics adviser, and the sleaze row rumbles on

Lord Geidt has said he won't quit - but that by April he expects 'considerably greater authority, independence and ef...

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almost 3 years ago

The Channel victims were people, first and foremost, so we use the word 'migrant' with care

When reporting on this terrible tragedy, the media can emphasise our common humanity while clearly and accurately sta...

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almost 3 years ago

Whenever the Covid pandemic ends, we will welcome the return of the mundane with joy

As a study shows best and worst-case scenarios, we can prepare for a return to some form of normality - and it will s...

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almost 3 years ago

Geoffrey Cox in the Caribbean means Boris Johnson is feeling the heat over sleaze

And now Chris Grayling is caught out of port in a storm as row over MPs' second jobs intensifies

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