Tag: Editor's Letter
almost 3 years ago

Cressida Dick resigning will not fix the Met but her presence won't regain women's trust

Officers are devastated and ashamed by Wayne Couzens's appalling crime. The Met now needs strong leadership that can ...

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almost 3 years ago

Sarah Everard's murder has harmed women's trust in the police. Cressida Dick must restore it

Women already concerned about their safety saw someone kidnapped and killed by a man employed to protect her

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almost 3 years ago

Motorists may be panic-buying petrol, but it's the Government that's fuelling the crisis

From ignored warnings about the supply chain to a failure to deal with the lorry driver shortage, this mess is a pred...

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about 3 years ago

Even for those hardened by war, the ordeal of mothers and babies in Afghanistan cuts through

Reports of women throwing their children over barbed wire fences to save them from the Taliban is the latest appallin...

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over 3 years ago

Continued vaccine rollout success explains why Government isn't worried about sleaze row - yet

The UK's vaccination programme is still going faster than the rest of Europe with more age groups getting the call-up...

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over 3 years ago

The investigation into Boris Johnson and the Tories is a slow-burner, but it will burn

Scandals that would floor other politicians glance off of the Prime Minister, but more is yet to come

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over 3 years ago

Farewell to Prince Philip, whose death confronts us with the passage of time in our own lives

As the Queen bears her grief over the death of Prince Philip in public, many people will sympathise with her

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over 3 years ago

Scientists have a duty to engage the public to debate the shifting rules of biology

Humanity’s ability to play with the building blocks of life is growing fast – faster than our ability to regulate res...

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over 3 years ago

There are so many reasons to be cheerful this Easter weekend

Progress is rarely linear, but the days ahead are brighter

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over 3 years ago

In public office, paid by the taxpayer, ministers should not be working hard on their next move

As i reveals on Friday, 66 members of David Cameron's government took private sector jobs linked to their government ...

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over 3 years ago

Marrying the UK's research brilliance with business expertise is certain to be money well spent

In the i on Wednesday, Professor Adrian Hill urges ministers to incentivise investment in the UK pharmaceuticals indu...

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over 3 years ago

One way to dilute vaccine nationalism is to upscale vaccine production

This will allow the UK to boost survival rates and revive the economy at home, while exporting life-saving jabs abroad

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over 3 years ago

The Government must do more to calm misinformed fears over the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

The UK's battle against coronavirus could be undermined if the vaccine hesitant become vaccine reluctant

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over 3 years ago

The 1% NHS payrise is an undignified way to treat those carrying us through the pandemic

As a result, nurses are threatening to strike, with the largest strike fund ever created in the UK

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over 3 years ago

Gavin Williamson has taken a lot of flak over the year, but he cannot be accused of hiding now

Education is important to i readers and our interview with the Education Secretary is a sign of respect for you

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over 3 years ago

If Sunak is serious about becoming Prime Minister, he'll need to articulate a grander plan

This is a man who expects a tilt at the top job, but his colleagues, and the country, want to know who he really is

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over 3 years ago

The UK is far from out of the woods of the pandemic - but what we're doing is working

We can influence the speed at which infections spread, slowing further harmful mutations and buying time to roll out ...

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over 3 years ago

This weekend we're celebrating the extraordinary broadcast of NASA's Mars rover

This scout from humanity will seek evidence of past microbial life and will test how astronauts on future Mars missio...

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over 3 years ago

Patel needs to deliver a competent border policy to ensure vaccine efforts are not compromised

Stopping new mutant strains entirely will be impossible, if Britain is determined to keep open air travel and trade r...

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over 3 years ago

Why we are going to hear a lot more about integrated care in the near future

The Government's White Paper outlines how the NHS and local authorities will be given a duty to collaborate with each...

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over 3 years ago

Matt Hancock made no apologies for his tough new travel measures - but they may be too late

On its own calculations, the Government could run out of quarantine hotel rooms within days

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over 3 years ago

Lift your spirits with news that the vaccine has been delivered to 10m people

We are in awe of the medics, volunteers, doctors and vaccinators and the agility they are showing to use every precio...

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over 3 years ago

Captain Sir Tom Moore's real legacy is a lasting message of hope and cheery resilience

Using the three weeks before your centenary to galvanise the nation during its worst post-war crisis deserved every p...

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over 3 years ago

Covid vaccination numbers bring some cheer amid the gloomy stats

New figures show the number of people in the UK to have been given a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine is nearly 2.3 m...

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over 3 years ago

i’s Magic Breakfast appeal: readers change lives for the better as we set new £180,000 target

With the pandemic widening educational and social inequalities, acting now can help to prevent problems for future ge...

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over 3 years ago

2020 has made many of us aware of debt we owe to key workers, who will be working at Christmas

Christmas can be a poignant time, and this year especially so, with loved ones distant or lost

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over 3 years ago

i's Magic Breakfast appeal: Generous i readers break Christmas target of £75,000 in five days

Thank you! We are immediately raising our target for 2020’s appeal to £125,000 to help feed kids nutritious meals

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over 3 years ago

i's Magic Breakfast appeal: Help provide nutritious breakfasts for children

For as little as 34p someone can send brain fuel for a hungry mind. Find out more about i's Christmas appeal 2020

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over 3 years ago

Feed hungry minds and help them focus on school work by supporting our Magic Breakfast appeal

School closures have affected children from disadvantaged backgrounds the worst, widening the gap between rich and poor

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over 3 years ago

Medics are justified in asking why creating a vaccine was faster than building an NHS IT system

i has been contacted by GPs worried that they will not be ready to start immunisations next week

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over 3 years ago

i readers are 'tough as old boots' and praise spirit of pensioners getting vaccines on V Day

Unusually, i''s readership cannot be pigeonholed by age, geography or politics

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almost 4 years ago

It's a proud day for Covid vaccine creators who could transform the lives of billions of people

In a year of extraordinary endeavour, the global collaboration between researchers has the potential to transform lif...

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about 4 years ago

Newcastle bid looked like an attempt to sportswash Saudi Arabia's appalling human rights record

Many football fans will join Newcastle’s supporters in hoping for a more agreeable new owner soon

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