Tag: EU Referendum
8 months ago

I'm a Celeb's Nigel Farage issues votes plea as he admits 'younger voters don't know who I am'

The inclusion of the controversial politician has sparked backlash on social media

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8 months ago

Can you be a government minister without being an elected MP

David Cameron, former Prime Minister, stepped down as an MP in 2016 - but has made a shock comeback to frontline poli...

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12 months ago

Keir Starmer facing pressure to offer new customs union policy with EU as Brexit regret rises

A number of Labour MPs believe there is a palpable shift in public opinion on Brexit due to comparatively worse infla...

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almost 3 years ago

Three in five want Covid inquiry to report back before next election

Some 62% of those polled said that the inquiry should report before the next general election with only 10% saying it...

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almost 3 years ago

Johnson invented 'levelling up' out of 'irritation at being Cummings' puppet'

Dominic Cummings claims the PM came up with the phrase during the 2019 election campaign - and despite aides telling ...

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about 3 years ago

Tories win Hartlepool by-election in brutal night of defeats for Keir Starmer

On a grim night for Labour, the party lost the North East Parliamentary seat by 6,940 votes - after defending a major...

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over 3 years ago

Jersey potato farmers fly in workers from the Philippines

Growers had feared that Jersey Royal potatoes would be left to rot in the fields after farm workers, many of whom wer...

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almost 4 years ago

Minister says civil service is 'too reliant' on private consultants

Lord Agnew, a Cabinet Office and Treasury minister, said in a leaked letter the amount of work being farmed out to th...

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over 4 years ago

Nigel Farage talks Brexit and Corbyn on Teesside visit

Mr Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, stopped off at the Market Hall in Middleton Grange shopping centre and bought ...

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over 5 years ago

Teesside councils 'prepared for EU elections' if Brexit is delayed

All three local authorities have plans in place

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over 5 years ago

Nigel Farage says UK is 'probably heading for another referendum'

The ex-UKIP leader and leave supporter says he fears delays and another vote, after Theresa May's deal was voted down...

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over 5 years ago

Area by area: The worst places for hate crime in Newcastle revealed

Figures broken down by area have revealed the number of hate crimes reported across Newcastle

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almost 6 years ago

Vote Leave: Northumberland MP sat on board of Brexit campaign group

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, the Berwick MP, sat on the board of Vote Leave and is listed as a former director on Companies ...

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over 6 years ago

Tees MP supports move to keep UK in single market after Brexit

Paul Williams was one of almost 50 Labour MPs to support a defeated amendment

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over 6 years ago

'Give us Brexit millions', rather than London, says mayor

CONTROL over millions of pounds of post-EU cash should be handed to Teesside, mayor Ben Houchen has said.

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over 7 years ago

Fears of slowdown in North-east economy ahead of 'turbulent' year

A survey of firms show pressure on sales and slower growth rates

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over 7 years ago

What our businesses want from 2017

The North East Chamber of Commerce has launched its manifesto for the year ahead

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almost 8 years ago

Muslim bus driver told he'd be 'going home' after Brexit

Adbul Rashid said the rise in racism since the Brexit vote is 'alarming'

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almost 8 years ago

Geordies offer welcome to Europe in Newcastle rally

Following fall-out over Brexit, pro-Europeans are invited to join a Newcastle Rally for Europe at Grey's Monument in ...

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almost 8 years ago

Quorn: Brexit vote won't affect our £23m expansion plans

The meat-free firm - which is promoted by Olympic champion Mo Farah - has reported rising sales

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almost 8 years ago

Bored after Brexit? Maybe New Zealand's the place for you

More than 10,500 Britons have looked into moving to New Zealand after the leave vote

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almost 8 years ago

How will Brexit affect North East universities?

Ahead of the vote, academics expressed concerns about leaving: how are they preparing to cope?

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about 8 years ago

How Polish people living in the North East feel after Brexit

After a rise in abuse targeted at the Polish community, Polish people living in the North East say their home has beg...

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about 8 years ago

Telegraph cartoons, June 2016

Telegraph cartoons, June 2016

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about 8 years ago

What tipped the scales for Brexit in the EU referendum?

Almost a week on from that historic night, Dr Alistair Clark, from Newcastle University, shares his ideas as to why L...

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about 8 years ago

Sunderland MP Sharon Hodgson quits Corbyn Cabinet

Sunderland MP Sharon Hodgson has resigned condemning Corbyn's 'lacklustre" EU campaign

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about 8 years ago

Is it business as usual for Lidl following EU Referendum?

The store, which has a presence in 29 countries, has confirmed that it will continue to invest in UK expansion plans

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about 8 years ago

Watch Teessiders give their verdict on UK's decision to leave EU

Positive reaction from people we spoke to as the majority decided to make their anti European Union

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about 8 years ago

What was the North East voting turnout in the EU referendum?

The North East emphatically voted in favour of leaving the EU in the referendum, with a 58% vote share for a Brexit

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about 8 years ago

What will happen to foreign nationals living in the UK after EU exit?

There has been a lot of speculation over what could happen to people since campaigning began - but how much is true a...

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about 8 years ago

EU referendum: Teesside votes Leave

All Teesside areas support Brexit by more than 60% :: UK votes to leave the European Union

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about 8 years ago

David Cameron resigns after Brexit vote

Historic EU Referendum sees the odds overturned :: Teesside overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU

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about 8 years ago

EU referendum: Teessiders cast their vote as polls open

Polling stations across Teesside opened at 7am today as the public vote over whether to stay or leave the European Union

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about 8 years ago

EU referendum: The best Adams cartoons on Brexit

EU referendum: The best Adams cartoons on Brexit

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about 8 years ago

Two Teesside MPs go head-to-head on the EU referendum

Ahead of the EU poll on June 23, Teesside MPs Anna Turley and James Wharton argue their case :: Which way will you vote?

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about 8 years ago

Gordon Brown tells the Sage Gateshead we need the EU to protect us from Tories

The former Prime Minister told an audience of Labour supporters the EU would protect jobs, workers rights, and security

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about 8 years ago

Eddie Izzard urges North East young people to register for the EU vote

Comedian makes his plea with just hours to go to the register deadline and warns those who don't that 'old people' wi...

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about 8 years ago

Don't miss out: here's how to register to vote in the EU referendum

With the deadline fast approaching, make sure you know whether or not you're registered to have your say in Britain's...

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about 8 years ago

Telegraph cartoons, May 2016

Telegraph cartoons, May 2016

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