Caoimhe Donnelly Co-founder
  • Belfast / New York
  • Legitimate

Caoimhe is co-founder and CEO at Legitimate. She has worked since 2020 researching the platform, building relationships and developing partnerships. Caoimhe has a particular interest in local news and its impact on all aspects of society.

Focus Areas

  • Business
  • Startups
  • Female Founders
  • AI
  • Local News
  • Journalism
  • Ireland

29 Articles
8 months

The Power of a Journalist's Portfolio: Building Trust and Engaging Audiences

Imagine you stumble upon a new writer whose work you find intriguing. How do you know if they're the real deal? That'...

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9 months

Hospital Waiting Lists At An All Time High

This is a sample article for use on the impact map. It is to show that writing about hospital waiting lists had an im...

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9 months

Food Banks Need Donations For Christmas

This is an example of an article that could be written by a journalist. It is in order to show how the impact map wor...

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10 months

Thanksgiving 2023

As today is thanksgiving, I wanted to write a post to look back on what has been an incredible year. Never did I imag...

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11 months

Enhancing Reader Experience: The Advantages of Including an Audio Option in Publications

Listening to podcasts, news, and content has become more and more popular over the past while. A lot of people choose...

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11 months

The Power of a Quick No: Why It’s Better to Move On

Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk about something that many of us entrepreneurs and innovators have experienced: th...

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11 months

Juggling a Startup and Life's Demands

Hey everyone! It's been quite some time since my last post, and for good reason. I've been flat out with work and fam...

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11 months

Disinformation on Social Media: The Impact on US Elections

The role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse and influencing elections has become a subject of inte...

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11 months

The Importance of Local News during Election Cycles

In the midst of the election frenzy and political shenanigans, it's easy to overlook the importance of local news out...

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11 months

Discovering the Author Behind the Content: The Critical Role of Attribution

Today, online content is everywhere, and we are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. From...

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11 months

The Underrepresentation of Women in Top Roles

I recently took part in an interview on my thoughts as a female founder on the underrepresentation of women in top ro...

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12 months

Exploring my passion for local news

I've been involved in the journalism space for such a short period of time compared to my time spent in education, bu...

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