Caoimhe Donnelly Co-founder
  • Belfast / New York
  • Legitimate

Caoimhe is co-founder and CEO at Legitimate. She has worked since 2020 researching the platform, building relationships and developing partnerships. Caoimhe has a particular interest in local news and its impact on all aspects of society.

Focus Areas

  • Business
  • Startups
  • Female Founders
  • AI
  • Local News
  • Journalism
  • Ireland

29 Articles
about 2 years

Reasons to wear a fitness tracker

There are several reasons why someone might choose to wear a fitness tracker. Some people wear them to track their da...

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about 2 years

First Ever Founders Walk and Pitch Event For NI Entrepreneurs And Startups

Walk and Pitch will bring together founders for a walk around Stormont and a chance to pitch and get feedback from yo...

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over 2 years

First Ever Founders Night For NI Entrepreneurs And Startups

Founders Night Belfast will bring together founders, investors, thought leaders and businesses in one place, for a ni...

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over 3 years

Reasons to drink more water

Around 60 percent of the human body is made up of water. In order to function properly, all the cells and organs of t...

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over 3 years

The Benefits of Plants In The Office

Scientific studies have proven the benefits of having plants in your workspace, whether that's in the office or at ho...

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