Ryan Morrison Tech Reporter
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Tech Monitor

Ryan Morrison is a reporter for Tech Monitor. He was previously a science and technology reporter for MailOnline and a journalist at BBC News.

Focus Areas

  • Technology
  • Tech

1039 Articles
almost 3 years ago

China plans to launch a fleet of mile-long solar panels into space

The solar panels will eventually produce a gigawatt of electricity, similar to the output of a nuclear power station,...

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almost 3 years ago

Lasers are fired at a tiny spot to produce 'mega blast of energy'

Over 200 lasers were focused on a small dot to create a hot spot the width of a human hair at the National Ignition F...

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almost 3 years ago

Partially mummified skeleton with white hair discovered in Pompeii

Named Marcus Venerius Secundio, the wealthy 60-year-old was buried in the tomb int he necropolis of Porta Sarno in an...

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almost 3 years ago

Twitter is 'actively looking for a fix' for its new Chirp font

The social media platform posted on its accessibility account it was 'actively looking for a fix' to the font, and th...

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almost 3 years ago

Saturn has a bigger core than first thought, scientists discover

Seismic measurements from Saturn's rings and data on its gravitation field allowed for a detailed picture of its core...

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almost 3 years ago

Short men and obese women earn $1,000 less a year than people

The study is evidence of a 'beauty premium' in the workforce that shows a bias towards attractiveness, according to r...

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almost 3 years ago

NASA slams Russian claims US astronaut drilled a hole in the ISS

Russia claims Aunon-Chancellor made the hole after a blood clot developed in her jugular vein that she had to treat h...

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almost 3 years ago

Massive iceberg the size of LONDON brushes coast of Antarctica

Between August 9 and August 11 the iceberg made a very light contact with the Antarctic coast, scraping along the edg...

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almost 3 years ago

Solar Orbiter captures gleaming view of Venus during flyby

Both the UK-built Solar Orbiter and the BepiColombo probe made a flyby of Venus this week, in a bid to use its gravit...

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almost 3 years ago

Spectacular Perseids meteor shower lights up the night sky

Skywatchers across the UK had less of a show, with parts of the country covered in blanket cloud, and light pollution...

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almost 3 years ago

Arctic woolly mammoth covered an area twice the diameter of the Earth

Scanning the six foot tusk of a mammoth that died aged 28 in what is now Alaska, exerts from the University of Alaska...

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almost 3 years ago

Elon Musk calls out Jeff Bezos over his use of lobbying and lawyers

It comes a week after Jeff Bezos-owned Blue Origin called Elon Musk's SpaceX lunar Starship a 'high risk' approach to...

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