Ryan Morrison Tech Reporter
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Tech Monitor

Ryan Morrison is a reporter for Tech Monitor. He was previously a science and technology reporter for MailOnline and a journalist at BBC News.

Focus Areas

  • Technology
  • Tech

1039 Articles
almost 3 years ago

NASA's Mars helicopter snaps a picture of Perseverance from above

Ingenuity has been helping the rover in its mission, having recently completed its 11th flight on the Red Planet wher...

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almost 3 years ago

Rare star 4,566 light years away has gone through an epic eruption

The erupting star, RS Ophiuchi is a rare type of stellar phenomenon as we have only discovered 10 in the Milky Way so...

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almost 3 years ago

Wild beaver numbers in Scotland have more than DOUBLED to 1,000

The range of where these territories are has grown, from Glen Isla to Dundee and Stirling, Forfar to Crianlarich - an...

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almost 3 years ago

Perseid meteor shower will peak on Thursday night

The Perseid meteor shower is the result of the Earth ploughing through debris left behind by the Swift-Tuttle Comet d...

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almost 3 years ago

European Space Agency completes its double Venus flyby

The Mercury-bound BepiColombo spacecraft swung by Venus, flying 340 miles from the surface of the planet, at 15:52 BS...

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almost 3 years ago

Pretty white flower first described in 1879 is a secret KILLER

The behaviour of Triantha occidentalis was examined in more detail by University of British Columbia and University o...

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almost 3 years ago

Pianists fitted with a robotic THUMB can adjust to playing in an hour

To determine how well human motor control capabilities cope with augmented limbs, a team from Imperial College London...

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almost 3 years ago

Scientists develop an AI that can diagnose dementia from a brain scan

The system works by comparing scans of suspected dementia patients to thousands of confirmed dementia scans, say rese...

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almost 3 years ago

Stories written by children are far more likely to feature MALES

More than 100,000 short stories written by British children aged five to 13 for a BBC competition were analysed by re...

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almost 3 years ago

Faecal transplants from young to old mice prevent cognitive decline

This transplant technique counteracted specific ageing-associated changes in the older mice, according to researchers...

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almost 3 years ago

easyJet introduces uniforms made from recycled PLASTIC

The new uniforms have been developed by Northern-Ireland based Tailored Image, and will be introduced into cabin crew...

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almost 3 years ago

SpaceX will launch a satellite next year to display ADVERTS

Canadian startup Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) will send a CubeSat on a Falcon 9 rocket with one side featuring ...

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