High quality leads with no outlay.

Legitimate provides companies with a brand new high quality lead generation channel with absolutely no outlay. What is there to think about.

Generate new leads

Everyday, more and more people are searching Legitimate to find the content they care about. Content is still considered king in the business and lead generation world and in today's fast paced environment people want access to it quickly. Legitimate puts your content front and center without any requirement to have followers or pay money. This makes it easy to reach new customers and make new connections.

Drive more traffic to your site

Legitimate makes it easy for people to access content without having to cut through the other distractions of websites. Simply adding our tags to your websites blog posts and content pages allows us to index your content and serve it back to our users interested in your market.

Available now

Reach your customers where it matters

The average person will consume 11 pieces of content before making a purchase decision. Joining Legitimate significantly increases your chances of being part of that customer journey.

Become an authority

Legitimate only lists content from people with a verified identity. All the content on our website links to a profile. This has numerous benefits. It reassures our users that everything on our site is from a real person who’s willing to put their name behind what they create. It also means your site’s content is linked to a profile that people can follow. Subject matter experts that write and create your companies content now have the ability to establish themselves as authority figures in their industries.

We're fixing content marketing

Business Pages

Build a beautiful hub for all your legitimate content. Your hub will display your articles, content creators, business information and more.

Professional Services

We will be releasing a full suite of professional services that will give you the ability to interact with your audience, build business relationships and create new exciting content.

Full Reporting

We want to make it easy for you to see the benefits of using Legitimate. Our reporting product will give you the insights needed to drive your content marketing forward and see the return on investment it provides your business.

Be ahead of the curve and register for our business on-boarding program.

Register below for early access to our business on-boarding program.

Get ready to increase your pipeline.