The text editor built for journalists

Transform your workflow with a feature rich AI driven text editor designed specifically for journalism.

Rated 5 stars by over 500 beta users

Have everything you need to create high quality engaging articles in one place

Full WYSIWYG capabilities

Our text editor comes with all the editing features you are familiar with from Word or Docs but has a lot more built specifically for journalists.

Auto Saving

Our editor saves your work every few seconds so that you'll never pull your hair out trying to recover a file.

Link to your Workflow Tickets

Link your article to a ticket on your workflow board. This lets you can easily gather all your content related assets like images, interviews, transcriptions and documents in one easy to find place.

Save hours each day

Experience the Future of Journalism with Legitimate's AI Engine

Unlike other AI, Legitimate can access real time events and news around the world. It also learns your beat and how you write, suggesting articles you should consider writing based on things happening now!

Live Information, Unmatched Insights.
Our AI Engine can access real-time events and news from across the globe. This means your suggestions aren't based on yesterday's news but unfolding stories!
It Understands Your Beat.
Our journalist designed AI understands the topics that you write about, suggesting articles that align with your distinct beat. This personalized AI tool evolves with you, for you.
Empowering the Journalist, Not Replacing Them.
Our platform does not write articles. It provides a plethora of time-saving features at your disposal so you can dodge the tedious tasks. It takes care of the legwork, and you can focus on what matters most: crafting engaging, meaningful content..
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Boost your productivity.
Start using ethical assistive AI.

Speech to Text Transcription.
Identify speakers, generate transcripts quickly and easily, allow for search, note taking and downloading, with support for many file formats.
Estimated Reading Time.
Craft articles to the correct length based on reading time.
Readability Score.
Make sure your article's readability matches your publication's reader personas. Our AI analyzes your article against the Flesch-Kincaid grade score in seconds.
Alternative Titles.
Legitimate's AI Engine knows how to write like a journalist and can offer alternative titles that help with click-through rate and impact.
Automatic Metadata.
In just a few seconds, automatically generate the title tags and meta tags required for social media.
Article Review.
Enhance what you’ve written by letting our AI Engine review your draft articles and provide feedback and advice from a journalistic standpoint.
Article Outline.
We know how the best articles are structured and can draw up a perfect outline for yours, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
Reference Gathering.
Don't waste time looking for references and sites to help you get on top of a topic, Legitimate can do it in seconds.
Get Statistics.
Need statistics for your article? Let Legitimate do the grunt work and find them for you along with links you can reference.
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The latest trends directly within the editor.

Our 'Google Trends' tab provides insights into the latest trends across Google Search, Google News, and YouTube. This enables you to pinpoint what's captivating audiences and driving engagement.


I have spoken with hundreds of journalists to understand what truly matters to them. Everything within our platform is designed based on that feedback.

Ready to dive in? Create your free account today.