Help reinforce trust and integrity in journalism with the Universal Bio.

The Universal Bio isn’t about deciding who is a legitimate journalist. Rather, it’s about providing clear, accessible information regarding the individual behind a piece of content.

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Instantly see the person or publication behind content

In an instant, our API can help platforms show the person and publication behind a piece of content, building trust and credibility among users and helping differentiate recognized news sources from bad actors and disinformation campaigns.

We also use thousands of data points to provide instant context for articles without a recognized author or publication credentials.

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The WEF has ranked disinformation the biggest threat to society over the next 2 years.


of Europeans believe disinformation is a problem for democracy.

700 million

clicks of the top 150 fake election stories on Facebook in a single month.

1 billion

More than 1 billion people around the world going to the polls in 2024

Our API and plugins can promote trusted journalism and reduce disinformation in a variety of ways.

Social Media.
Instantly provide context to content shared on social feeds.
Flag content right from the browser with plugins or native solutions.
Verify links that users share in forums and chatrooms.
Provide assurance to users receiving links via email.
Messaging Apps.
Validate links being shared via messaging apps.
Feature content authors front and center in search results.

Benefits for Publications

Maximizing Impact and Integrity

Providing detailed publication and author bios can deepen reader engagement and increase brand reputation. There are also many other benefits:

  • Enhanced Credibility and Trustworthiness
  • More Website Traffic
  • Journalist Recognition
  • Strengthening Publisher Reputation
  • Attracts a Discerning Audience
  • Differentiates Content from Disinformation

Benefits for Social Media

Elevating Trust and Engagement

Enhances Content Credibility
Showcasing verifiable journalist bios reinforces trust in shared information.
Combats Disinformation
Differentiates authentic journalism from fake news, promoting a healthier information environment.
Increases User Engagement
Encourages interaction and discussion through transparency about content authors.
Promotes Transparency
Demonstrates a commitment to authentic and reliable information.
Fosters Responsible Community
Highlighting credible authors, reduces the spread of unverified content and disinformation.
Strengthens Platform Integrity
Positions you as a leader in the fight against misinformation, enhancing reputation as a trustworthy information source.

Become an official partner

Together, we can foster a transparent and reliable digital landscape.

If you want to implement the Universal Bio within your platform or become one of our large publishing partners, fill out the form below.