Tag: Cost of Living Crisis
7 months ago

Backlash at Keir Starmer's jibe that Rishi Sunak 'doesn't get Britain' as minister says a Tory wo...

Keir Starmer raised eyebrows by using the attack line about RIshi Sunak not 'getting Britain' at PMQs yesterday.

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7 months ago

Out-of-date Covid tests could risk spread of virus at Christmas

Scientists say we could be in for a spate of out-of-date tests this Christmas as the last of the free government test...

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8 months ago

UK economy slipped into the red in October shrinking by worse-than-expected 0.3% as Jeremy Hunt...

Official figures showed GDP was down 0.3 per cent in October - significantly worse than the 0.1 per cent analysts had...

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9 months ago

Humza Yousaf begs SNP activists to end obsession with independence 'process', admits there is not...

Humza Yousaf warned supporters they must 'concentrate not on the how - but on the why' to bolster the flagging separa...

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10 months ago

Keir Starmer to vow 'big build' in Labour conference speech with 'low-quality' green belt...

Keir Starmer will use his conference speech to lay out an ambition to construct thousands of new homes, and even new ...

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10 months ago

EXCLUSIVE: Drug gangs make hay from death of the High Street: Crime barons are filling empty shop...

The discovery last week of a cannabis farm inside a former Marks and Spencer store (above) was just the latest in a s...

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10 months ago

Rishi Sunak refuses to rule out slashing inheritance tax in pre-election boost - but warns inflat...

Rishi Sunak insisted he would not comment on fevered speculation about a dramatic pledge to scrap inheritance tax.

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10 months ago

Christmas cheer not enough to save pubs from winter pain, sector warns - CityAM

A festive boost in trading this Christmas will not be enough to save the UK pubs industry, sector heads have warned.

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10 months ago

Households facing £100 rise to average council tax bill next year

As councils struggle with record levels of debt, local taxes are expected to rise by nearly 5 per cent from next April

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11 months ago

Diners' fury as celebrity chef Rick Stein increases cost of condiments at his Cornwall fish and c...

The TV star's restaurant in Padsow already charges those wanting to eat inside some £16.95 for a cod and chips and £1...

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11 months ago

Dogs Money Saving Expert Tips: These are 8 ways to save a whopping £1,200 a year on your loving d...

The average cost of caring for a medium-sized dog is a whopping £27,000 throughout its lifetime.

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11 months ago

Britain's Wild West high streets: Retail chiefs warn police do not treat shoplifting as a crime a...

ASDA chairman Lord Stuart Rose said this week the offence has effectively been 'decriminalised' thanks to a lack of a...

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11 months ago

How to save energy at home: 10 ways of using less gas and electricity as energy bills ‘to rise’ t...

While the new Ofgem energy price cap will lower gas and electricity prices, bills will rise year-on-year in real-term...

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11 months ago

Humza Yousaf to announce childcare boost for struggling parents in Programme for Government

In a major speech at Holyrood, the First Minister will seek to draw a line under the rocky start to his tenure as SNP...

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11 months ago

Families will be paid cash to cut electricity use for the second winter in a row in bid to avoid...

The National Grid launched its Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) in January, which rewarded people for cutting power b...

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11 months ago

Nationwide UK house prices: good news for wannabe homeowners as August 2023 house prices plummet ...

Nationwide's House Price Index for August 2023 concluded a "further softening in the annual rate of house price growth"

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11 months ago

Which? best buys for university: from student bank accounts to laptops, what products have come o...

With the cost of living crisis hitting student budgets especially hard, the consumer watchdog has listed its highest-...

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11 months ago

The Waitrose £5 meal deal seeming like a bargain is a sign of how broken things are

The £9-for-a-cheese-sandwich economy has gotten so out of hand that coming away with change and some Quavers feels li...

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11 months ago

When is the next Bank of England interest rate decision? Review date, forecast, how base rate alt...

With borrowing costs rising for businesses and homeowners, the UK could be on course for a recession, economists have...

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12 months ago

Public sector wage expectations hit 11-year high - latest news

Expectations for public sector pay rises have hit their highest level in more than a decade as a shortage of skilled ...

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12 months ago

How to save up to £50 a month and help the planet by cutting your food waste

As the cost of living crisis bites, how you can save money - from making kitchen cleaner out of orange peel to settin...

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12 months ago

Good news on pay and inflation may be coming, but we are not out of the woods yet

One month of positive figures is not enough to change the political weather for Rishi Sunak - or increase the chance ...

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12 months ago

Cost of living crisis not over, Treasury warns, despite signs of 'turning point' in wages

Average earnings are expected to out-pace inflation for the first time in 14 months next week, but Rishi Sunak and Je...

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12 months ago

'Rishi needs to throw more red meat': Tory MPs call for more right wing policies

The Prime Minister has successfully galvanised his core support, but pollsters warn that ultimately it's the cost of ...

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12 months ago

Mortgage rates may fall further as Bank of England nears end of interest hikes, experts predict

Fears over a house price crash also recede as buyers begin to return to the market, according to new official figures

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12 months ago

Farage attacks banks for 'making massive profits whilst treating the public badly' - latest updates

Nigel Farage has criticised the “massive profits” made by banks “whilst treating the public badly” as the chairman of...

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almost 1 year ago

Liberty X singer and mum-of-two Michelle Heaton shares her top tips for what to do during the sum...

School is out for the summer and the weeks of the holidays span ahead of us. Right now, the age-old question is at th...

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almost 1 year ago

Official list shows 664 public sector fatcats were earning over £150,000 last year - up 6.6% - wi...

Figures slipped out by the government showed a total of 664 officials were over the threshold as of September - up 6....

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about 1 year ago

Supermarkets should sell their cheaper own-brand products in smaller local shops, Labour says

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves says many low-income families are struggling to access budget lines as they aren’t st...

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about 1 year ago

Gregg Wallace: The British Miracle Meat: is Channel 4 ‘human meat’ documentary real - what has pr...

Gregg Wallace’s ‘human meat’ Channel 4 mockumentary raised eyebrows over its miracle cost of living solution

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about 1 year ago

Chancellor's warning on 'greedflation': Firms' bumper profits should be used to help struggling...

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered a stern message about so-called 'greedflation' as he insisted customers must be trea...

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about 1 year ago

Marmite maker Unilever’s profits soar as watchdog investigates greedflation

The consumer goods company increased prices by nearly 10pc in first half of 2023

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about 1 year ago

CMA urges supermarket to display clearer pricing in order for customers to find best deal

The Competition and Markets Authority has said that supermarkets must go further in helping customers find the best d...

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about 1 year ago

‘No justification’ for £1.7bn Stonehenge road tunnel that is a ‘waste’ of taxpayer’s money, say c...

Critics said the money could be spent on “improving public transport” or giving nurses, junior doctors and teachers a...

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about 1 year ago

Key workers and business drivers ‘left hundreds of pounds out of pocket’ by 12-year freeze in mil...

Charity finds motorists are 18p per mile worse off as fuel, insurance, tax and maintenance costs soar while tax-free ...

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about 1 year ago

UK slips into the red with GDP down 0.1% in May

Official figures showed GDP dipped 0.1 per cent in May, meaning that activity effectively flatlined over the past thr...

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about 1 year ago

Fuel prices: drivers have been short-changed at the supermarket pump as cost-of-living batters bu...

With the news that supermarket fuel retailers have been charging customers above the odds, change can't come quick en...

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about 1 year ago

How do I submit a meter reading? How to take gas, electricity or smart meter reading as energy bi...

The Ofgem energy price cap is set to supersede the government’s energy price guarantee from 1 July, with energy price...

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about 1 year ago

Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey and his economists need to treat us like humans in the inf...

The UK central bank is clearly struggling to tackle inflation and its view of the general public is part of the problem

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